What to Expect from the Student-Led Conferences

As our students grow and mature, we encourage them to self-reflect and to take increasing responsibility for their learning, including parent teacher conferences. Starting in Kindergarten and continuing through middle school, our students help select and reflect on the work that will be shared as part of their portfolios. Then in the spring quarter for Grades K-2, and in the fall for Grades 3-5, students spend time preparing to discuss their work and goals for 10-15 minutes of the 30 minute conference. When they reach middle school, the entire conference is student-led.

 One of the main goals of student-led conferences is to authentically engage parents and students in a goal-setting conversation around the student’s learning. Teachers and students will share their thoughts and reflections, and we hope that parents will also share their perspectives on the student’s strengths and needs, learning style, and interests. All this information will help us shape our lessons and understand our students more fully. 

 So how should you prepare? Above all, be supportive. Most students are nervous for their student-led conferences – it’s hard even for adults to share our strengths and weaknesses with others, much less for an elementary or middle school student. Take cues from your child… if they seem excited to tell you about the upcoming conference, you can echo that excitement and anticipation. If they seem nervous, validate the feeling. You might also share a time when you were in your stretch zone, and strategies you used to manage that situation.

 At the conference we ask that you give your child your undivided attention. Turn off your phone or put in on do not disturb. Ask questions and engage your child. Some possible questions include:

    • What made you decide to share this piece of work?

    • How did you feel after you did (X)…

    • How can I help you become a better (reader) at home?

    • What makes you feel excited about coming to school?

    • What makes you feel proud in (X) grade?

We hope you will come into the student-led conference with a growth mindset, a desire to learn more about your child and his/her learning, and a collaborative spirit. We hope you enjoy yourselves!!