We All Learn Differently!

Hello! My name is Missy Silver, and I joined the PKS Wellness team at the start of the school year. Despite the challenges of joining a new school during COVID restrictions, I’ve been delighted to be a part of this warm, innovative, and joyful community. I’ve already met many families; I look forward to meeting more of you over the coming months and years.

I have been working as a learning specialist in schools, both private and public for over 17 years. I have a Masters in Special Education and am a certified Educational Therapist with training and certification in multiple programs and methodologies that utilize multi-sensory teaching approaches to support neuro-diverse learners.

My goal at PKS is to provide students with the necessary skills, tools and strategies that will allow them to approach learning with confidence, while also helping them understand who they are as learners, and embrace the notion that we all learn differently. I’m also here to support teachers by providing learning plans that will accommodate the learning needs of students by making necessary modifications to both the classroom environment and teaching styles that will match the students’ learning profiles, allowing them to feel successful and independent. Finally, I want to continue educating and spreading awareness around the importance of diversity of learning and teaching, since we all access and process information uniquely. Having the necessary supports in place is critical for learners to feel motivated, confident, and self-reliant. 

With that said, I am thrilled to introduce you to Rohan Hartigan, an 8th grader in the PKS pioneer class, an ambassador for students with learning differences, and an ally for any 弟弟 or 妹妹 who is struggling. In this flipgrid, you can hear him discuss his learning journey in his own words. Rohan bravely shares his experiences and feelings around his dyslexia, the PKS community and support systems he has had in place, and the tools and strategies he needed to feel confident and successful in school and in life. Thanks to Rohan for his leadership, and thanks to all of you for welcoming me into the community this year!