Preschool Curriculum Night

Preschool parents gathered at Presidio Knolls on Thursday for our annual curriculum night. As usual, passive listening was not on the agenda! Instead, parents were up to their elbows in blocks, sticks, clay, yarn, and paint, creating personalized “objets” for their children to appreciate throughout the school year.

Parents in our P1 Pine and Oak Tree classes discussed how their children are adjusting to life at Presidio Knolls: playing with new friends, understanding classroom patterns and behavioral expectations, and communicating in a language that is new for some of them. To demonstrate how the kids take on communication challenges, teachers asked parents to introduce themselves kinesthetically -- by way of unique gestures -- which generated some merriment. They also created fun photo collages to brighten the classrooms.

In the P2 Apple Tree and Coconut classes, students are excited about upcoming field trips and their first show-and-tell presentations, which will be conducted in Mandarin (of course). Parents showcased their impressive teamwork and project skills by creating a hanging garden representing their hopes and dreams for their children. Note that they were not required to expound upon their work in Chinese!

In addition to greeting a few new families, P3 Palm Tree and Bamboo teachers welcomed back a tight-knit group of parents who are now well-practiced in working together to complete classroom art projects. This year they created exploration-area signs and a unique wall clock constructed entirely of recycled materials. Parents and teachers also discussed kindergarten readiness, reading preparation, and Mandarin character recognition and writing.

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